Storytelling Activity for Kids: “The story under the lotus leafs”
- Title
Fable for Kids and Handicraft: The Preserved Box
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73 pictures
- Archival History
Date: 27 May 2017
Location: Multi-function Room, 1st floor - Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Education Activities department
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- Note
Narrated by IdeaPlern
- Archivist’s Note
Once upon a time, in the wasted land of the bald mountain, there is a little house where the three mole sibling has dwelled.
There had been a mysterious pick up car drove passing by these moles’ house. And there was something fallen.
The three mole siblings think that the box’s owner might be regret, so they decide to return this box to the owner
and name it “The Preserved Box”. And the troublesome adventure of the three moles begins. - Rules or Conventions
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