- Title
Thai Contemporary Art Exhibition “Thailand Eye”
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31 pictures
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Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, Saatchi Gallery, Prudential and Parallel Contemporary Art
- Archival History
Event Date: 18 March – 07 August 2016
Location: Main Gallery, 8th floor
The event series on the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn and the 160th Anniversary of Thailand – UK diplomatic relations in 2015 concluded with the Thai Contemporary Art Exhibition “Thailand Eye” at the Saatchi Gallery in London during November 2015 to January 2016 and presenting to Thai audience at Bangkok Art and Culture Centre this year. The exhibition features key Thai contemporary artists showcasing their thought-provoking works inspired by Thai art and culture, launching together with the book “Thailand Eye” published by Skira Publishing House collecting the works of more than 70 Thai contemporary artists. - Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Exhibitions department
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- Note
Supported byMinistry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Tourism and Sports, Thai Beverage Public Company Limited, King Power, Thai Airways International Public Company Limited, Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau, Jim Thompson House, Toshiba (Thailand) Co., Ltd., British Council, etc.
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Reference ISAD (G) to describe a set of documents