- Title
Imply Reply : Huang Yong Ping and Sakarin Krue-on
- Date
- Level of description
- Extent and medium of the unit of description
1 file
- Name of co-creator (s)
Tang Contemporary Art
- Administrative / Biographical History
With the expansion of the art world in Asia, it is apparent that there should be an exchange of art between other Asian countries and Thailand to explore critical issues originating from the region and their relationships towards global contexts. For this purpose, BACC is collaborating with Tang Contemporary Art to invite the artist Huang Yong Ping, an eminent Chinese artist residing in France to collaborate with Sakarin Krue-on, a Thai artist with prominent experience in both Thailand and overseas to create a project at BACC. In this collaboration, Tang Contemporary Art joins the BACC curatorial team in producing an exhibition with pivotal artworks of both artists representing the critical content of the exhibition.
- Archival History
Event Date: 12 February – 26 April 2015
Location: Main Gallery, 8th floor
With the support from the Embassy of France for the works from France, as well as the Faculty of Painting, Sculpture and Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University for the artworks from China, the exhibition juxtaposes critical thinkings, both in local, regional and global contexts, communicating reflexive works of both artists from differing generations to present a diverse worldview with a critical-ironic potential to address vital issues. Hence, with the title “Imply Reply”, the exhibition aims to present reciprocal thinking processes between artists and audiences and an integrated provocative installation that challenges viewers to reconsider the idea of art and its relationship to national identity in recent history with current issues that are crucial to the contemporary era. - Immediate source of acquisition or transfer
Exhibitions department
- Related units of description
Press release
- Note
Supporters: Embassy of France and Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University
- Rules or Conventions
Reference ISAD (G) to describe a set of documents