
International Performance Art ASIATOPIA 14/2555

Organized by Concrete House and Bangkok Art and Culture Centre


Application for Workshop Program 
Open Call for application: Art Performance Workshop
Deadline for submissions 31 October 2012 by email only
Contact; Nopawan sirivejkul / [email protected]
Email : [email protected] , [email protected]

Workshop Program

Date: 14 – 15 November 2012
Period Time: 13.00 – 16.00 
at 4th fl. Bangkok Art and Culture Centre
Class : 15 Person / class
Send me : 
– The class you need to join
– Personal contact ; name , email, mobile phone
More information, click : International Performance Art Festival
Two performance Art workshops will be run by by Monika Gunther & Ruedi Schill and Morgan O’Hara. Participants will be art students from art schools in Bangkok or artists who interest about art performance. All together there are 15 participants each workshop. The purpose of the workshop is to explore ‘what is performance art?’ and introduce participants to performance practice and skills. Each participants will have the opportunity to learn the process of creation and preparation for a simple short performance, culminating in a 5-10 minute performance try out.
Room 1 by Monika Gunther & Ruedi Schill
Monika Gunther and Ruedi Schill started to perform together as a duet in 1995, though Ruedi Schill started as a solo performer since 1975 and Monika in 1980. Through their long time activities in performance and teaching both were awarded Artist of Luzern City, Switzerland. After that they started International Performance Art in Turbine Giswil, a small town in Switzerland. Training in Performance is about gaining experience through touch, gesture, and language; and through acoustic, visual and physical stimuli.
The lessons encourage playful spontaneous activity, full of enjoyment as well as systematic investigation.
Through mutual improvisation participants attain skills in communication and interaction. Altogether you strive for the dawning of consciousness about your own bodies, and for the discovery that images can also emerge through action. When observing the work of others, it is important to be able to concentrate and persevere, without constantly losing attention and focus
Room 2 by Morgan O'Hara 
Morgan O’Hara was born in Los Angeles, grown up in Japan and live in New York city. She began her performance career in 1989, with distinctive style and technique. She also teaches art and psychology in art in many art schools in USA, Europe and Asia. This is her first time in Thailand.
COMING HOME The purpose of the workshop is to stimulate individual growth by working with the phenomenology of the unconscious through art. It is understood that by working with the basic scribbles in a physical and acoustic process, the individual will come into closer contact with himself or herself in a fresh way. It often occurs through this process, that an earlier memory or feeling will surface, especially an experience from childhood which has long been buried. The adult is able to benefit from the reappearance of these old memories and is encouraged to work with the images which the unconscious presents. Sometimes these images can be seminal for future growth. 
Drawing with both hands can create a physical awkwardness and this lack of control often allows the unconscious to bring forth special images to work with during the time of the workshop. Members of the workshop will be invited to share their experiences with others within the group through speech and performative drawing. The goal of the workshop is to reopen the capacity to play “uselessly”, to have fun, to relax, rebalance and restore the individual, body and mind and heart. This workshop will help participants come “home” and reconnect with themselves in a deep way, feeding the spirit and supporting creative development.

Image Gallery