Arts Network Exhibitions
Sunday,11 September at 6 pm.
Gagasmicism is the latest multi-media exhibition by artist and self-proclaimed "Thailand’s Only Waacking Drag-Queen extraordinaire" Pan Pan Narkprasert who experienced a spiritual awakening after winning a trip to see Lady Gaga live in New York. Having been raised in a Buddhist household, Pan was the black-sheep atheist of his family but his time in the concrete jungle somehow brou…ght him closer to "god" and he felt the higher being speaking to him directly like never before. The experience triggered something from within and added to his repressed desire to escape the mundane heterosexual nightlife world, and he was offered a life-changing solution by this "voice."
This voice can be explained through Carl Jung's analytical psychology as one's anima. The artist Pan Pan discovered his own anima as an idealized female anthropomorphic archetype of his unconsciousness, whose many facets he began to connect with and explore. Although he had previously dressed in drag for special occasions such as Halloween, as do many gay men, over time he found that through his state of alcoholic liberation, he was able to extract pieces of his anima and decidedly began to let the manifestation of his anima take shape in the concrete world. The artist aimed to completely extract this fantastic creature of chaos from his collective unconsciousness and bring her into the real world. Unlike Jung who controlled his anima from its manifestation, Pan Pan chose to embrace his female anima and allow her to surface in full form, resurfacing and existing only at night.
Being rooted in Gaga's creative life, the anima began to have a mind of its own, shifting to become a purely supreme creature of perfection in its own right. The artist realized that by allowing his anima to externalize, he was channeling a deity-like entity without bounds, similarly to an avatar. Once Pan's anima Princess Pangina was complete, she demanded to be the leader of a new religion. A religion not so different from other religions where the faithfuls offer their worship through monetary exchange. Thus, she requires a legitimization of her religion through the collective mass number of worshipers and $$$. She invites you to join in her religion of fabulosity and fame where you can be whoever you are, where the outcasts unite together and no matter what, all her children are beautiful .
I believe therefore, I buy.
XOXO- Pangina