Arts Network Exhibitions

mini MoVes ‘KiZUna’

mini MoVes ‘KiZUna’
Photo & art performance exhibition thai/Japanese
@BKK ARTHOUSE,3rd floor

we’re invite Japanese artists to Bangkok for telling a story by art  after tsunami and nuclear plants in Japan August 1945 Japan faced the greatest losses. 66 years after the little Boy and Fat man struck the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. The story of a young girl   Sadako and a thousand  flamingo still in the minds of many people.

March 11. 2011 tsunami – hit island of Honshu. Collapse of buildings damages by the earthquake at 9.0 Richter after the news leaks of nuclear spread around the world. Japanese people are in a state of anxiety. Distrust and a feeling of insecurity in their lives. They have to face the fall, then stood up again, just like the past. As a fellow world. We are faced with different natural conditions. Earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, landslides, severe losses occurred repeatedly. Conflict in the confrontation in which the artist was inspired by the art to produce, transmit and communicate to each other.

6  August  2011     
6.00 pm.  opening  Photo exhibition  Show film of Soni Indra Kum / korea

25  August  2011    
10.00 am – 7.00 pm. Sound Workshop on Circuit Bending  by Kai Lam/ sigapore

26  August  2011  
3.00 – 4.30 pm. What’s you see After tsunami and nuclear plant  by  Yuzuru Maeda  , Midori Kadokura , Penchom Tang

5.00 – 8.00 pm. Performance  by Yuzuru Maeda / japan , Chakkrit   Chimnok  /Thailand , Hiromi     Shirai / japan ,Nopawan  sirivejkul / Thailand , Arai  Shinichi / japan

27 August  2011      
5.00 – 8.00 pm. Performance by Mongkol   Plienbangchang / Thailand ,Midori Kadokura / japan, Padungsak  Khochsamrong / Thailand ,Pattree Chimnok /Thailand,Kai Lam / Singapore
for more information please contact
M: 089 7811463,084 0233193        
E: [email protected]
or  Aor Nopawan 085 1503048 / [email protected]


1. Yuzuru Maeda
2. Midori Kadokura
3. Hiromi Shirai
4. Soni Indra Kum
5. Arai Shineishi
6. Kai Lam
7. Mongkol Plienbangchang
8. Nopawan Sirivejkul
9. Padungsak Khochasumrong10. Chakkrit Chimnok
11. Pattree Chimnok 

Image Gallery