Main Exhibition
A Photography Exhibition by Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn: Clairvoyance (extend showing period)
By The Royal Photographic Society of Thailand (RPST), Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, and Office of Contemporary Art and Culture (OCAC)
This year's exhibition is different than previous ones. This year there are photos taken from a telescope and being able to use the Scanning Electron Microscope to see the microscopic structure. There is also a photo from a drone that allows us to see from high altitude. These machines give magical eyes to see unbelievable visions, hence the name of this year's exhibition, clairvoyance, taken from Inao, traditional Thai epic, when Prince Joraka proclaims during his dagger dance for the gods:
"My two hands held high in reverence for all gods big and small,
for all those with clairvoyance, do not side with the villain"
Other photos in this exhibition are sceneries and snapshots from Thailand and other countries. Among them are photos from Timor-Leste and Malta for the first time.
For more information
Public Relation Department, Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC)
Tel: 02-214-6630 – 8 # 501