People's Gallery

“Crow” The 1st Solo Exhibition

Opening Reception on Tuesday 3 February 2015 at 18.00 hrs.

“Just want to be a free crow” I was inspired to become a crow after I read one of the impressive quotes from a movie called “The Crow”.  “There is nothing wrong being a crow. It’s better than being a caged bird who doesn’t know how to fly. “Since then I have been searching to find the meaning of being a “crow”. For me being a crow is to be able to do everything I love and being free from anything. But in order to get what I want, I have to learn how to demand, hunt and fly up high chasing my dream and survive. Even though along the way, I have to face terrible storms or the sun that almost ruins my wings. But “this crow” will keep on flying and following the voice from his heart, hoping that one day he might reach his destination and be free at the end.

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