
Storytelling Activity for Kids “I will eat you all”

By Ideaplearn
Time: 14.00 – 15.30 hrs.

One day, a starving alien from another planet arrived our world. It wanted to find something to eat. Then it announced that “I will eat you all”. The alien caught the insects; the bee, red ant, butterfly, beetle and grasshopper. The entire insects were frightened that they would be eaten, and then they begged and made a deal with the alien to find something for alien’s food instead of them and freed them. The alien accepted the deal but it had the condition that the food would be yummy then it would release all the insects. Find out what would happen next on the date and time mentioned above.
Free entry with free face painting for kids
Register at 02 214 6630 – 8 ext. 126, 127 


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