

By Anna Fafaliou
Time: 12.00 – 18.00 hrs.

Concept: The choreography of sleep
Napping in public spaces is a phenomenon that has been disregarded dispite the fact that we all have experienced or witnessed people having a nap in the park during their lunch break or in public transport or during a play.
Almost a third of our lives are spent in sleep. It doesn’t take a lot of skill or hard work to sleep and it can easily be denoted as an instinctive rather than a conscious action. Sleep nonetheless varies drastically from person to person, from circumstance to circumstance. Everyone has their own patterns, which in turn change according to surrounding conditions, and these are worth exploring.
“Sleeping is no mean art: for its sake one must stay awake all day.”
Friedrich Nietzsche
Indeed, sleep affects our behavior, our desires and our self-control. It in influences the way we retain our memories and thus changes the relationships and associations we create between each other. What happens to the body during sleep? Sleep, through dreams, urges our most repressed and intimate selves to emerge. It is the state in which we find ourselves most vulnerable.
The audience will walk through an improvised choreography of sleep. From extended stillness to the fetal position, the body of the performer will feature only the slightest movements. The unified effect will create a sort of subtle wave of bodies: a human landscape within the gallery space.
The delicate breaths, the softness of forms, the intimacy of beings and the surrendering of the body, laid down on the concrete and solid space of the gallery, will create a dialogue between physical presence and the architecture surrounding it.

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