People's Gallery
By Mr. John Wanjai group
Opening exhibition on Friday 3 March 2017 at 18.00 hrs.
"What we reach for maybe different, but what makes us reach is the same." – Mark Nepo"
When diversity produces such a harmonious result, Mr. John Wanjai group was established in 2016 by 10 fellow artists, graduated from Faculty of Fine and Applied Art, Chulalongkorn University.
As they are trying to find the original source of the group, they found that becoming reunited is the most essential part of their friendship. In "9+1=10" art exhibition, they interpreted fraternity into a simple equation. "9+1=10", Plus (v.) means positive, to add something to something and a favorable condition or factor. Likewise, this exhibition combines many sensational artworks from 10 perspectives seeking through their personal experiences in life. In the route of individuals, everyone pinned their own dream destinations and started to follow their own path, whether how rough and tough they have encountered. They have come back to tell stories across the entire distance. Finally, it's time to catch up.