Being Leonardo da Vinci An impossible interview
By the Embassy of Italy
Time: 19.00 hrs.
Official Sponsor of the event is the Italian Group CMC di Ravenna
"Being Leonardo da Vinci" is a show that depicts the real life of the Italian genius through the theater with the history of art and science. Through the format of the impossible interview, Massimiliano Finazzer Flory becomes Leonardo "physically", wearing period costumes, with a make-up that is a true reconstruction of the face of the genius of Vinci; acts in Renaissance language on the original texts of Leonardo including the famous Treaty of painting.
For the first time through the format of the impossible interview, Leonardo speaks and answers questions of our time.
Finazzer Flory puts on the stage the thought of Leonardo, his universal vision of things. Not the opposition between humanistic and scientific knowledge but the search for a culture that combines in synthesis art and nature, science and painting. Offering, through 67 questions, the opportunity to talk about the different Leonardo that are inside the genius of Vinci, he uses authentic words of Leonardo, giving voice and face to the master in an intense dialogue on rigorous original sources and polemic, supported by the chronicles of the period.
Free admission (registration required)
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About the Festival:
The Italian Festival in Thailand is organized by the Embassy of Italy and comprises this year more than 50 cultural events that take place throughout the year in Bangkok: classical music, opera, jazz, seminars, cinema, dance, promotion of the Made in Italy and a lot more. The Festival is organized with the aim of spreading in Thailand the best of the Italian culture. Indeed, we believe that the cooperation among the two countries develops through the mutual understanding and appreciation of each other’s heritage and cultural identity.
Now at its 12th consecutive edition, the Festival has received positive reviews throughout the years, and an ever growing recognition from the general public. All the events are organized thanks to the contribution of many private sponsors and are free entry upon registration.