Arts Network Exhibitions

“A Hundred Stories within One Picture of The Reign of King Rama IX” Exhibition

Organisedby Intouch Public Company Limited


Intouch Holding Public Company Limited has arranged for the eleventh year Thai Literature Conservation Contest with INTOUCH Year 11th to promote the reading to Thai youth, and to uphold Thai language and novels as they are valuable treasure of Thai people. More than 15,000 works from over 1,900 novel pieces were submitted from youngsters all over the country.
This year, the campaign was under the topic “A Hundred Stories within One Picture of The Reign of King Rama IX”. In tribute to His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej for his great contribution to the nation for over 70 years, INTOUCH has arranged to publish the books collecting the late King’s literatures, musical compositions, multifarious duties, and speeches on various occasions, aiming to be gracefully perceptible for juveniles thru pictures, and to forever light up in our Thai hearts of his greatness memories.