Arts Network Exhibitions
On show now at BACC is a very special exhibition. In the 1961 AreeSoothipunt gained a scholarship to study art at the University of Indiana in the United States. He took with him a deep connection to his country and its artistic heritage and then collided with the all concurring Abstract Expressionist movement that was still resonating in the US.
Aree was highly energised by this encounter with art and democratic, science oriented culture and on his return to Thailand he applied his experiences into transforming the way art was practiced, understood and taught in Thailand. He transformed the iconography, the thought processes and ways of teaching art and spawned generations of inspired creatives that have gone onto influence the destiny of Thailand. His students have become leaders in Thai media, education, and many varied art disciplines. The ex-prime minister of Thailand of Democratic Party and painter honouredAreeSoothipunt by opening this tribute to an inspirational man.
This exhibition is a celebrations of AreeSoothipunts life's work lovingly presented by his students, grateful for the powerful influence he has had in their lives and the shaping of this country. As a believer in broad participation in the arts for its power to educate and transform it is fitting that this special exhibition invites visitors to take part in sharing the art making process with a number of engaging activities.