
“It takes you and me to end violence against children” – Beyond the Boundary.


By: World Vision Foundation of Thailand
Time: 11:00 – 19:00 hrs.

Violence against children is possible everywhere – at home, at school, wherever children are. Violence against children can happen in urban settings and remote villages alike. To make the matter worse, the most vulnerable children are more likely to experience different forms of violence. 

The United Nations indicates that Thailand is one of the world’s top ten countrieswith the highest rates of lawsuits on violence against children and women. Reports on cases of violence against children in Thailandfrom different sources agree that the majority of violence against children happens at home and are mostly committed by their own parents or caregivers.All cases are due to combined underlying domestic situations – from poverty and deprivation of basic necessities, such as food, clothing and shelter, to lack of love and understanding within family, as well as caregivers’ drug abuse and mental health problems. All of these lead to child violence against children.

Because violence against children directly impacts children’s lives, World Vision Foundation of Thailand (WVFT)has conductedthe End Violence Against Children campaign, under the title “It takes you and me to end violence against children” to put an end to physical and mental violence against children within family. The campaign has been intensified during 2017 – 2021, targeting the most vulnerable children in the most difficult areas where WVFT is carrying out Child Sponsorship Programme, covering 76 area development programmes in 42 provinces nationwide.

To raise everyone’s awareness to put violence against children to an end together, WVFT will host“It takes you and me to end violence against children – Beyond the Boundary”event, which includes an exhibition displaying facts about violence against children, WVFT’s approach to end violence against children, and youth painting under the theme ‘My World without Violence’, illustrated by vulnerable children living in WVFT’s implementing areas to express their hope to live violence-free lives.And the performance: “Violence Against Children in Thai Society” by Bai Mai Wai Theatre Group.

And because ending violence against children may not be achieved solely by any single person, in “It takes you and me to end violence against children – Beyond the Boundary”,reflections and voices will be heard from children and youth from all regions who have experienced violence firsthand or witnessed incidents in their everyday life. There will also be a panel discussion joined by relevant experts from the public and private sectors, as well as civil society, who will be brainstorming for ideas of solutions to the violence against children problems, which will be brought to the government’s attention for further influencing the national-level policy.

Exhibition displaying
– Facts about violence against children 
– World Vision Foundation of Thailand approach to end violence against children
– Youth painting under the theme ‘My World without Violence’ illustrated by vulnerable children living in WVFT’s implementing areas

Panel Discussion and workshop 
Beyond the Boundary – “It takes you and me to end violence against children” reflections and voices will be heard from children and youth from all regions 
who have experienced violence firsthand or witnessed incidents in their everyday life. (13.00 – 15.00 hrs.)

Performance: “Violence Against Children in Thai Society” 
by Bai Mai Wai Theatre Group (16.00 – 17.30 hrs.)

More Information 
Miss AmonpajeeAuppamaiTel. 02 022 9200 ext. 576
Miss NopphawongWaree Tel. 02 022 9200 ext. 437
More detail: http://www.worldvision.or.th/evac/index.html


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