Main Exhibition
“Tian Tian Xiang Shang: Arts is Learning Learning is Arts” An exhibition of creative cultural exchange
Organised by Bangkok Art and Culture Centre and Zuni Icosahedron
Supported by Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Bangkok)
Opening ceremony on Thursday 28 February 2019, at 15.00 hrs.
Presided by Madame Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR
Tian Tian Xiang Shang is a Chinese proverb that translates literally into “looking up, every day” and was once a common sight at the front gate of every primary school in China during the 1950s to instill a spirit of self-reflection and self-improvement amongst the students.
Reflecting upon the proverb and showing concern about the lack of critical discourse within education and cultural institutions, Danny Yung, the co-artistic director and founding member of Zuni Icosahedron, created a series of conceptual comics in the1970s that personified the proverb into a little boy (Tian Tian) who is constantly curious and asking an unending barrage of questions about everything and anything.
This exhibition showcases almost 200 Tian Tian figurine creations by artists of various disciplines from Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Canada, and many others. In addition, the host country’s artists, designers and creative people from various fields have recently added almost 100 creations. The list includes Patravadi Mejudhon, Dow Wasiksiri, Pratarn Teeratada, Pichet Klunchun, Twitee Vajrabhaya Teparkum, Nakrob Moonmanas, Netiwit Chotiphatphaisal and representatives from many political parties. The general public who visit this exhibition can also create their own Tian Tian figurine in the workshop room throughout the month of March.