
Tomorrow’s Leader on Stage


By  Tomorrow’s Leader X UNDP

Young people who identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) face challenges that prevent them from being able to fully participate in society. They lack the support they need from family, are often bullied and harassed at school by their peers, and have difficulty conforming to heteronormative social norms. Sexual orientation, gender identity and expression have been identified as one of the key factors that made young individuals more vulnerable to discrimination in the exercise of human rights, particularly, in the access to decision-making spaces and participation in public life.

Join UNDP and #LGBT allies in a Talk show "Tomorrow’s Leader on Stage "All About Love" on 8 November at Bangkok Art & Culture Centre (BACC) from 16:30 hrs. to hear from young LGBTI people about their challenges in coming out, being themselves and the support or lack of support, they are getting from their families, friends, and people around them.

Scan the QR code to register for the event:

For more information, please contact
Mobile  092-6966654

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