People's Gallery



By Aphisit Sidsunthia

The moment that we could not find the answer to an irresolvable question may force us to think in a different way or ask a different question. An aporia is a state of anxiety or confusion tending to doubt or oppose a certain foundation or a stable condition. While driving our curiosity, the internal contradiction motivates us to take other options, accept the differences and be more opened to new experiences.

As a painter, questioning what was before to find something new is a challenge, and so too is working on painting. For that reason, Aphisit decides to make this series of his works different from the previous one. Both of them openly allows audience to interpret the meaning, discover the truth and use their imagination through visual perception. The two series of his paintings also communicate both maximized and minimized messages. While each painting in the previous series displays a combination of various situations, each in the current series depicts only a single situation in combination with lines, shapes, planes and dimensions to make the communication more concise and simpler.

This exhibition therefore combines the characteristics of works resulting from the interaction between humans and technology. As painting and photography are connected to visual perception, the portraits of people at different times and places are considered a medium to provide experiences that could be minimized and maximized, boundaries that might be overlapped and intersected, planes that are torn and punctured, depth that is flat and memories that are forgotten as well as similarities that recall the memories.

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