Arts Network Exhibitions



By Art & Design Program, The demonstration school of Silpakorn University (Secondary)

"Shubhasattva" The 1st art exhibition of The Demonstration School of Silpakorn University's art program, is to present the capability and creativity of grade 12 students of DSU's art program class 16 (Art 16) through their artworks to the public audiences, including artworks of teachers and honorable guest artists displaying on 12 – 24 March 2024 at Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC).

This exhibition carries on from the publication of the students’ “Light and Shadow” final project which went viral on social media and received lots of positive responses from the public, hence the school and related institutes recalled the worth of art and decided to support Thai youth to be an inspiration for people in our society. To realize the value of art, to encourage student development on artistic vision, artistry activities and working management, growing their skill of applicative from fundamentals to portraying their thoughts through artwork showing the uniqueness of each student and representing the identity of DSU's art program.

For more information, please contact
Mobile 0894142184


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