People's Gallery

Everyday Life


By Pichate Youngpob

Inevitably, we have faced existence, routine, people, and places. They could be understandable and somehow incomprehensible. The interpretation of surroundings depends on one’s experiences. So that is one of the reasons why we should learn how to live blissfully and appreciate the meaning of life.
Pichate Youngpob (1995, Thailand), painter and mixed-media artist, was born and raised among nature in suburban Bangkok. He has documented his everyday life by observation and coincidence through semi-abstract to abstract impressionism works. He assembled familiar art mediums and minor stuff from his studio and utilised different features as a trial in life. He melodically combined layers, hues, textures, and his distinct brushstrokes without precision or theory. The works showcase the state of being unpretentious, independent, and neutral. He emphasises an uncomplicated narrative of movement in life, so it can be accessible with ease.
‘Everyday Life’ is an event that evokes emotion, imagination, and consciousness of the social environment. To visually and intrinsically recognise the beauty and value in ordinary landscapes and architectures by collecting experiences and bits of knowledge. An attempt to be mindful of neighbourhood and community, or even culture and beliefs, because these are foundations to compose and convey the creative intuition of human beings, that is to say, it is an intense desire for simplicity that appears in our everyday life.

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