Pots of purpose: A 10-year journey into purposeful design and sustainable craftsmanship
By Lamunlamai.craftstudio
A solo exhibition by Lamunlamai. Craftstudio
‘Purpose’ is a significant word and a vital element of this exhibition, where LAMUNLAMAI unfolds their past journey while revealing future direction. Started in 2014, Lamunlamai. Craftstudio is a ceramic design studio founded by Nol Netprom and Mai-Nopkamon Akarapongpaisan. Their focus is their love for ceramics, with a strong belief that craft work should not only be functional and visually pleasing but also communicate a message and possess emotion. Their ceramics are objects with purpose, crafting a conversation between makers and users.
The concept is an interesting proposition. There has always been an overlap between art and craft, given that fine art can serve a function and focus on materials and skills, and crafts can be led by concept and individual expression. The boundary is usually fluid, and for contemporary ceramists, choosing to define their position and goal implies a strong mission. As for LAMUNLAMAI, craft with a story and an expression may seem part of that broad definition but is actually distinct.
Over the last ten years, the brand has matured and expanded, along with the people involved. With ongoing self-analysis after the founders’ experiences of further education abroad, its main mission is now directed toward sustainability, a purpose deep in concept but broader in its connectivity. The idea of sustainability involves not only innovative ways of material recycling but also continuing to maintain and improve the brand, its products, and the whole ecosystem, from suppliers, local craftsmanship, and staff, to end users. With this new approach, LAMUNLAMAI has connected the local craft scene with contemporary consumption.
This exhibition is divided into three main sections – Concern, Collaboration, and Consideration, guiding viewers through their extensive endeavors.
The first section, Concern, greets viewers with large egg-shaped ceramic sculptures along with other works that are a result of Nol and Mai studying in the UK. One focused on experimentation and practicality in Designer-Maker context, and the other on creative entrepreneurship. The result is the Lifetime collection, using bio-waste materials such as seashells and eggshells, the result of human consumption, to create special glazes and new formulas for clay components. The name of the collection implies both the concern of environmental issues using recycled materials and the brand’s value of sustainability.
Collaboration, the second part, emphasizes the experimental process with local craftsmanship and materials. This process included working with those involved in Thailand’s ceramic production, such as local suppliers, skilled workers, and even the customers who provided waste sources, completing the closed-loop cycle from end to end. This exhibition is only a glimpse into hours and hours of complex experimentation and time spent.
The third and one of the most important parts of telling the story of LAMUNLAMAI is Consideration. The 300 mugs on display are storytellers. They represent crucial moments in this studio’s development from the beginning to the present. Moments such as fear, failure, mistake, and doubt, to happiness, excitement, success, and then back again are all presented. This section is how they consider their path and will hopefully prompt viewers to reflect in a different way and understand their own journey.
This exhibition is not to celebrate the brand itself but is a way to celebrate this craft and hopes to inspire and be an example for other creative initiatives. There will always be opportunities and new possibilities. However, the journey may be long, so it is crucial to understand and follow the mission. In this exhibition, sustainability is how LAMUNLAMAI can progress with the ceramics community and continue to develop meaningfully with their own purpose.
Curated by Nim Niyomsin
For more information, please contact
Facebook: LMLM. Craftstudio