Art Exhibition ‘Gree Sun’
Art Exhibition 'Gree Sun'
In 2012 Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC) together with Han Nefkens Foundation initiated Han Nefkens – BACC Award for Contemporary Art. For this project, BACC and Han Nefkens Foundation invited ten well-known personnels in Asian art circle to select thirty Asian artists whose practices are outstanding, acknowledged, but artworks hasn’t been shown in major institution. These selected artists were presented to five juries in order to get one winner. Jury members are Mr. Han Nefkens, Founder of Han Nefkens Foundation, Ms. Hilde Teerlinck, Director of Han Nefkens Foundation/Director of FRAC Nord-Pas de Calais, Ms. Luckana Kunavichayanont, Director of Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, Ms. Yuko Hasegawa, Chief Curator at Museum of Comtemporary Art, Tokyo, and Mr. Feng Boyi, independent curator and art critic from China. The winner gets artist fee, residency support, an a solo exhibition at Studio, 4th floor, Bangkok Art and Culture Centre. For the first Han Nefkens – BACC Award for Contemporary Art, Tao Zhou, an artist from China was chosen unanimously.