[-]1: ‘The great artist of tomorrow will go underground’ – Marcel Duchamp
[-]1: ‘The great artist of tomorrow will go underground’ – Marcel Duchamp
“[-]1: ‘The great artist of tomorrow will go underground’ – Marcel Duchamp” presents the standpoint of the ‘underground’, regresses to fundamental points, raises open-ended questions on young art and young artists and explores the discourse from the core of the creation through ground of understanding in different contexts. As part of the pilot project Young Artist Network (Y.A.N), the project is represented as experimental activities in exhibition space raising structural questions to explore viewpoints of art and contemporary thinking. It also analyzes such points through process of experimenting, observing, discussing and studying phenomenon. The objective of the project is to conclude the results for informative analyzing to be gathered as fundamental ideas for projects to support young artists in the future. This experimental project is performed through hypothesis comprised of 4 main factors of art: 1) artwork production, 2) art space, 3) art audiences, 4) analytic thinking about social context and art criticism. All four factors are represented as activities organized in the exhibition space to include audiences’ participations in the mutual creation, mutual perception and mutual study of art, existing in the value shared between artists and people in general.