16th Thesis Exhibition of The Doctor of Philosophy, in Design Arts, Silpakorn University “ Of Substance and Form”
โดย Doctor of Philosophy in Design Arts, Silpakorn University (DinDA)
“Of Substance and Form” – A Journey Through the Tangible and the Transcendent The Ph.D. Program in Design Arts, International Program, Faculty of Decorative Arts, Silpakorn University invites you to the 16th Thesis Exhibition, where the tangible meets the transcendent in an evocative showcase of intellectual exploration and material mastery. Join us to explore a collection that reveals how physical media—from photography to digital pixels, from wood to metal—dialogues with deep philosophical questions, creating a space where thoughts transcend their physical bounds. Featuring the profound works of our doctoral candidates:
Xingchuan Shu (DinDa 12)
Rutarirat Prayoonhong (DinDa 13)
Poe Sriwatanathamma (DinDa 13)
Pattiya Harputpong (DinDa 13)
Nguyen Thi Tam An (DinDa 12)
Lung-Chi Lin (DinDa 13)
Lei Qiao (DinDa 13)
Haolin Xiong (DinDa 12)
Ekathep Michaels (DinDa 14)
This exhibition is not just a display; it’s an invitation to experience how each creation embodies the synthesis of thought and matter, inviting viewers to traverse landscapes shaped by both artisan hand and intellectual rigor.
คุณ Ekathep Michaels
โทร. 0984492369