Main Exhibition 789
Omnivoyeur and Electrical Walks Bangkok Electromagnetic Sound and Visual Project (extend showing period)
As part of Urban Media Project In collaboration with Goethe Institute and Connecting Cities Network
The project of two artists from different but closely related fields, a renowned German sound artist Christina Kubisch and a Thai Photographer, Miti Ruangkritya investigate the urban landscape like Bangkok. The electromagnetic walk of Christina Kubisch guides viewer through city with map and custom-made headphone catching magnetic sound that are inaudible to naked ears, while field-recorded images of Miti Ruangkritya prolonging perceptibility in mundane living, marking reflective thoughts from the omnipresent of media in our increasingly technological environment. Both expressions are synthesized in an exhibition space by means of acoustic performative and optical interpretation as well as human possibility to experience by his or her inclusion as an actor in the work.
Artists: Christina Kubisch and Miti Ruangkritya
Curator: Pichaya Aime Suphavanij