Main Exhibition

CROSSING THE DATELINE (extend showing period)

Organized by Bangkok Art and Culture Centre 
BACC Main Sponsor by Thai Beverage Public Company Limited
BACC Project Sponsors by King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, IQ LAB, Mondriaan Fund and The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, Inc.
Opening Reception: 23rd March 2017  at 18.30 hrs. (Artist Talk at 15.30 – 17.30 hrs.)

Bangkok Art and Culture Centre and the group of intermediate artists together foster a contemporary art exhibition which crosses the boundary of space, time and culture in order to challenge audience experience.
Pertaining to the concept of time and travelling –  flying eight hours on an airplane that reaches cruising speeds of 920 kilometers per hour, time will be ten nanoseconds slower (due to an inertial frame of reference). Time dilation is everyone’s daily experience. Time would slow down or get faster in relation to time in mind. Todays, people’s devious and distorted perception of time is socially constructed caused by current mode of communication. 
Personal awareness of time is tainted by the given perception and distorted mode of communication that is constructed. Human understanding is shifted from reality-based interpretation to autonomous association that gave birth to the truth examiner so truth-illusion–virtual time-virtual reality is recalibrated. To transcend the boundary of time, perception, belief, even society is necessary for ones to understand current incidents. Crossing has rendered the binary condition: before and after, old and new, similar and dissimilar, convincing and unconvincing. An in-between situation is arising during such crossing.  This in-between condition occurs when one falters between accepting and opposing to prior understanding.
The exhibition belongs to a group of nine Thai and foreign artists and a fellow artist who join an international residency program at Vermont Studio Center, Vermont, USA. They all come up with the idea of revealing their multifarious cross-cultural dialogue through the forms of photography, drawing, mixed-media, interactive installation and video installation.
Artists: Carol Hepper (USA), Nelleke Beltjens (Netherlands / USA), Hedwig Brouckaert (Belgium / USA), Suparirk Kanitwaranun (Thailand), Pasutt Kanrattanasutra (Thailand), Komson Knookiew (Thailand), Bussayamas Nandawan (Thailand), Panu Suaysuwan (Thailand), and Pitiwat Somthai in collaboration with Vanida Pornsombatpaiboon (Thailand)
Guest Curator: Pitiwat Somthai
More information: 
BACC Exhibition Department, Bangkok Art and Culture Centre 
Tel: 02 214 6630 Fax: 02 214 6639 

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