Main Exhibition 789

Isan Contemporary Report

Organized by Bangkok Art and Culture Centre
BACC Main Sponsor by Thai Beverage Public Company Limited
Opening Reception: 25 th January 2018 at Main Gallery, 9th floor


Based on extensive research prompted by the basic question, “What does contemporary Isan?”,Isan Contemporary Report presents findings on different phenomena that reflect a dynamic growth and self-determination of the Isan people in relation to global changes. The project aims to be a space for education, exchange, and understanding of the issues and ideas that emerged from the localisation into Isan region, focusing on its people and spaces, both physical and imagined. Through an inclusive collaboration between different departments within BACC, Isan Contemporary Report is a pioneering initiative that integrates efforts from different divisions towards a common goal, focusing on the conceptual and behavioral phenomena presented in Common Exercises: Isan Contemporary ReportExhibition, Exhibition Education Activity, Storytelling Activity for Kids, The Inspired Books and Music & Art Fest at bacc (MAB).Apart from a strong inter-department collaboration, the initiative has a joint effort with various artist networks, academics, specialists and Isan-oriented working groups. The program aims to be a public access database and knowledge hub for contemporary Isan.